

SZ11 series 35kv low loss on-load tap changer

This product complies with national standard GB1094 "Power Transformer" and CB/T6451 "Three-phase oil-immersed power transformer technical parameters and requirements". The on-load voltage regulation range of this product is 30± 4x2.5% kV; 35± 3x2.5% kV, which can be manually, electrically or automatically adjusted on the primary side by means of the on-load tap changer within the voltage regulation range. The stability of the output voltage. Therefore, it is widely used in scientific research, buildings, hotels, enterprises and institutions with high voltage quality requirements. This product is a replacement product with good operational economic benefits.
Model and meaning

Technical parameters

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Contact:Mr. YuanTel:+86-510-87846969 Fax:+86-510-87848616
E-mail:yxwb@vip.163.comAdd:Wanshi Town Industrial Concentration Zone, Yixing City, Jiangsu
Copy right ? 2019 Yixing Wansheng Transformer Co., Ltd.